Here are some of the POSITIVE emotions we might experience when our needs ARE met. Being able to find exactly the right word to describe how we or others are feeling can be very useful.
absorbed | adventurous | affectionate | alert | amazed |
amused | animated | appreciative | aroused | astonished |
attracted | blissful | buoyant | calm | caring |
cheerful | comfortable | compassionate | complacent | composed |
confident | contented | curious | delighted | eager |
elated | empathetic | encouraged | enthralled | enthusiastic |
excited | exhilarated | expansive | expectant | exhultant |
fascinated | free | friendly | fulfilled | gleeful |
grateful | helpful | hopeful | inspired | interested |
intrigued | invigorated | joyful | jubilant | mellow |
mirthful | optimistic | passionate | peaceful | perky |
pleased | powerful | proud | radiant | refreshed |
relaxed | relieved | safe | satisfied | sympathetic |
tender | thrilled | touched | triumphant | trusting |
warm |