The skills and attitudes you'll be focusing on in this course are often taken for granted. For some they might even seem a bit 'basic' – but that's actually their strength.
There's huge benefit to be gained by simply getting the basics right and applying them consistently.
Without cramping anyone's individuality or style, we really want to help you establish a set of 'basic' habits that are conducive to better connections, more positive relationships and better outcomes – the 7 Habits of Creative Conversation.
So to give yourself the best chance of success, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you follow these 8 suggestions.
1. Bookmark the course

It's so important that you have easy access to the course that we've created a special blog and videos to explain this in a few simple steps.
If you've not already made your bookmark, DO IT NOW and then come back to this page.
2. Do something every day

Since habits are formed by repetition, it makes sense to apply at least one element of creative conversation – however small – to your own situation every day.
'Little and often' is our mantra.
And one of the great things about developing the 7 Habits is that the opportunity to practise – and create value for yourself and others – is present in almost every conversation you have with another person.
The specific actions that we recommend you make part of your daily life are marked with the 70% roundel.
3. Cue and...action!
As we explain in All About Habits, every single habit we have is triggered by one or more cues – time, place, smell, situation, person, whatever.
So it follows that if we want to develop new, positive habits we need to build some relevant cues into our daily routine.
Here are four ways that you could encourage yourself to use some element of creative conversation every day, 'little and often'.

Post-It Notes – Visual cues in your physical environment can be very effective, especially when they catch you by surprise (e.g. when you open a cupboard) and when allied to habit-stacking (see below). Make sure you post the notes where you can't fail to see them!

Screensavers – A visual cue that greets you whenever you open up your phone or other device. Most let you personalise your home screen, so write a short message that will prompt you to take action e.g. ‘Always understand first!' 'Meet needs!’ – and so on.

Habit-stacking – You add the habit you want to develop to an existing one. For example, if you have a regular tea/coffee break at work, you could consciously use it to have a creative conversation, too. The old habit ‘supports’ the new habit – like scaffolding – until they almost become one.

Someone nags you – Probably the oldest prompt there is and, if unwelcome, probably the least effective. But this ‘nag’ is actually welcome – because you’re asking for it! So how about recruiting someone you can rely on to give you a friendly nudge, every so often, to use some element of creative conversation?
You don’t have to rely on just one of these cues, of course. In fact, it’s probably best to have at least two, so that you have a backup if you miss the first one.
And remember – we really, really want you to succeed, so please try to use some element of creative conversation every day!
4. Take notes

Research shows that taking notes – especially the act of writing with a pen on paper – creates a stronger mental link with the material you're engaging with.
So keep a record of your thoughts and progress using the Notes function in the course or, if you prefer, a good, old-fashioned notebook.
You might be surprised quite how far you've come whenever you read them back...
5. Use all the facilities

Research also shows that adults learn best when they follow a formula called '70-20-10'. This means spending 10% of the time in structured learning, 20% in supporting and being supported by fellow learners, and 70% in learning by doing.
This course mirrors that formula and each aspect – the online material (10), the Forum and our regular online events (20) and the real-world application (70) – supports all the others.
In short, to get the most from the course, it makes sense to use everything it has to offer – so please do!
6. Talk about it

There's strong evidence that one of the best ways to learn something is to teach it.
It sounds a bit odd. Don't you have to master something before you earn the right to share your wisdom?
Well, no.
Explaining what you know to another person – to the best of your ability – actually helps you to properly engrave it in your own understanding.
And, of course, at the very least you can always point them to this free app!
Bottom line – we want to encourage you to share what you're understanding from this course with whoever you think might benefit.
Because that will benefit you, too.
7. Take your time

Changing the habits of a lifetime doesn't happen overnight.
And the way we talk and listen is so much a part of who we are that it can be quite a challenge even to identify which particular conversational habit we have that might need to be addressed.
Habits are built through repetition, so a key feature of this course is that you don't rush it.
Instead, become thoroughly acquainted with each Habit before moving on to the next one.
And don't worry if at times you feel the need to retrace your steps should you become aware of any gaps.
As the Romans used to say, paulatim ergo certe – little by little, therefore surely.
8. Complete the course

Finally (and it sounds obvious), our experience is that the people who benefit most from this course are those who progress through it from beginning to end – and complete it.
That's is because each Habit builds on the one before and leads on to the next.
Understanding the theory underpins application out in the real world.
And, step by step, it goes in – a bit like learning a new language.
Except it's not new.
It's simply a more effective way of using the language you already know!
So do take your time – but finish.
That's it – 8 Suggestions for 7 Habits..
Follow them all and the benefits will flow – we guarantee!
'Go into the course with an open mind, be prepared to be challenged and be prepared to learn about yourself. Take the time to do the work and keep personal notes. I didn't do this all of the time but wish I had!' Sarah Morris, course graduate
So far so good